A political relationship

Hey BB.


About what I said...I'm so so sorry I'm truly sorry I didn't mean any of the things I said, and you know it. You know in front of others I have to say these things to you because otherwise I look mean. But you know the real me bae, and you know I care for you so much and we're just one with out thoughts and plans and emotions and everything. We're one babe, there's no denying it. We've talked about it and you know it too. So...can we make up, please? Because without you it just feels so different, you know, like I'm not even myself...

Ugh, not again

I know it and you know it too. Remember how hard it was before we got together? People made fun of us! Everybody was after us, it was like a joke to them. And when we got together we were so strong and proud and everyone was scared off their pants. Things were so good remember we could literally get anybody to do anything and when they dared so much as squeak we'd say hey we're together you know what that means and that'd shut them up for good? It's not the same anymore. You suffer over there I suffer over here but we both suffer. It's bad babe.

I don't care for you anymore, go away.

You say that now, but you know that ain't true. Besides, I've got more people on my side than you have, and wouldn't it be so so so embarassing if they all called you out on it? I know it's a shitty thing to do but if that's the only option you leave me with I'd do it, I'm not kidding babe, if I'm going to be losing you I'll go all in!

Omg are you threatening me? You knoe I cud get u arrested

But why would you babe, because then literally errybody would be after you my people and your own people. Nobody would trust you a bit anymore. And why do you even care for everything, I thought we reached an understanding, an understanding of two hearts that are one, and then you decided maybe you could do better. But you know babe you can't do better because if you could we wouldn't be having this conversation, you know you ain't got shit so we gotta be back together.

But I don't want to give you all that you ask for.

We already agreed on it babe with so many people around too! You can't back out on it now! You'd be the Prime Minister, and I'd be the party leader, then we'd take turns and rule the country but now, you think you can have it all. Lemme tell you that ain't gonna work, your own senior leaders ain't gonna give a crap about that. They like the party, they know they've got more power with us together than a teeny tiny medicore communist party. You have to give in.

I've got the president and the CIAA chief on my side, I could get you and your people in trouble.

LOL. Then what? We'd kick you out from errrything even the party, maybe even make a law barring you from ever standing up for anything. And whatchu gonna do after that, go hang with the likes of Bhattarai that loser he ain't got nothing and you know as well as I do. And I spent so many goddamn years with him! He's a total moron and a traitor, you'd hae him so much more than you dislike me. He's just piss off people and break your party into even smaller pieces. You don't want that. Stronger is better, together is stronger, let's do this.

Mmm. Lemme think.

BABE, babe, babe, just do it, yeah you've already thought it thorugh and you've already said yes.

MMM okay, fine whatever but I get to have the say in the choice of the provincial ministers!

Whatever you say babe, we can talk about it then. Your the best mwaah mwaah mwaah.

LOL you liar, you cheated on your offer, we're separating again, I can't trust you anymore, you're such a pathetic loser moron you're a big fat fking weirdo just go to hell.

What's up?

Ugh you knwo what's up!1! You know what happened in the west, with the province! Your people couped against my people! It was you who made them do it, I know it!

Huh I swear I didn't.

Fck off, deal's off Imma do my own thing now. Gonna block your number and then you'll know.

Why don't you come over dinner and we can figure it out.

Fine, but I wan expensive wine.

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