Recovery, darkness, arrested development watch, catchups [Sat 5]

 Woke up at 7am, went back to sleep, out of the bed at eleven twelve one, who even remembers, man. So tired, wonder if it was the party from the previous night or the drugs or the anxiety.

There was some anxiety here and there, shared it with roommate BB. It rained heavily and snowed all day long, winds so strong, so I didn't do anything throughout. For lunch I had...something, maybe fruits, or something, possibly nothing because the previous evening had been so heavy my body was rejecting everything. Texted and contacted a large number of friends and extended group and made sure they were alright.

Due to the interactions of food, the giggly, and anxiety I missed out on the meditation. I should really really have done at least a five minute session, it was unreasonably not-good on my side. And written too.

In the evening I wasn't feeling so well but had to eat or I'd pass out and I didn't want to go out thanks to the wet weather. So I used one of the super crappy ramen we have, put all the asian fixins in it with two fried eggs and it was actually quite good I'll admin, could do that at least once a week. I know I've previously judged them too harshly, but if I could get a larger batch of higher quality noodles, or spend time making them from scratch it might be good for me. Great way to use up veggies.

Didn't want to sleep, didn't want to write or meditate so stuck to the tv desperate to watch something, anything really. Caught up with Arrested Development, watched it from 6.30 in the evening to 12.30, nonstop, with dinner in between. It was alright, the later seasons are not as bad as they make out.

Got ready to sleep at half past twelve, figured I'd talk to SA[Ph] because we hadn't caught up in a long time, and the anxiety would only go away after talking to a 'real' person. So we talked for three hours. Real deep stuff, this way we can talk for only like three or four times a year and get caught up with everything happening on our lives. I dunno, that amounts to an average of an hour a month, or fifteen minutes for a week of catching up. Would you rather talk to a friend for 15 minutes every week, or bunches of three-four hours every few months? One's easier to do than other, and is less of a hassle to both parties, while the other seems more 'balanced'. Either way, still getting caught up, no probs.

Went to sleep, didn't have too much trouble sleeping because I used the meditation tricks learned to wipe away the distractions.

Things weren't completely crappy and awful. The day was saved thanks to a good friend and an amazing catchup.

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