The beginnig of an old era

 The old man everybody was afraid of, nobody thought he would be back he was frail and tiny and dying and despite his scary booming voice there was not much else going on for him and he looked like he had cancer or something he was wasting away there was barely any hair on him his ribcages looked like they tried to puncture his skin to break free it was clear to everybody when he said that he was leaving he was gonna die and all that talk of coming back to greatness meant metaphorically or you know generally about the next life and reincarnation all of that religious spiritual thing which could been right or wrong but nobody cared about that thye'd be long dead when and an unlikely if he somehow made a comeback it would be a trouble for their future selves which they weren't too concerned about because they weren't gonna come back as a human being having lived their uhh how did they put everything that had gone along with it, it would be a blessing if they didn't end up in the awful pits of hell being tortured and poked and prodded so all was good, the main villain of the story was out they could pretend to be modern capitalists who believed in equality and all of that mumbo jumbo all the time they had been what they were only because of the powerful evil patriarch of the family and now that he was gone they had been set free or so the story would go anyway of course they knew the reality but shush you don't ask you don't tell so they went about their ways doing things the old dying man had explicitly forbidden them, sold out their properties to the developers as quick as they could and there were apparently some stipulations around that the old man had kept in but his estate and his lawyers worked around that nobody bothered what they were they got their parts and went about their ways to see the jungle turn into farms and then finally when big city came that way into an explicitly rich-person neighborhood first it was the large villas and then slowly into an expensive sets of apartments only for the most wealthy since they sill had a little say around the area and the money from selling out wasn't completely gone the old families made the new apartments their primary residences still but their children they went for other pastures some left for America or London it was just the oldtimers the fact was they were still haunted by the spirit of the old one and feared if he somehow came back he would be enraged to find they had completely abandoned everything just to placate him they hung around besides living in the same community with the newest millionaires and billionaires wasn't a bad thing the services were incredible when the power went out for the rest of the nation they were bright as always when strikes and roadblocks and communal clashes hit the other parts of the city the inhabitants of this posh playground noticed not a thing the security was enough to defend a medium sized country the infrastructure sufficient to populate a large uninhabited island from scratch nothing to complain about, the ruler now long gone and mostly forgotten had been correct in his predictions which scared everybody because that could imply his other declarations could end up to be true but who had the time for that everybody was distracted by their awesome reverie the exclusive malls and restaurants you'd find only in New York and Hong Kong and Singapore were in their buildings this was heaven on earth things couldn't get as good anywhere else on the planet and sure the government could be a pain in the ass sometimes they could try hard at enforcing their rules and the police came in to bother now and then but the rules of this town were different, there was governing system of its own, they were untouchable and things would only get better...this was how everybody wanted to spend the rest of their lives and their children's and so on and on and on, for their children had grown old and wise enough to realize coming back was the best option of all so two generations of the old family existed and thrived, the original four dozen turned into twelve, a clan of their own without a head or a leader but co-operating generally...until...until one sudden day that goddamn fateful afternoon when the estate lawyers and the executors sent a curt and firm notice out to everyone for a meeting three weeks further away, the notices went faraway to Australia to America to London even Japan and Korea, it had the will and the heft, so they knew what it was about, they hoped, they really did it didn't mean what they thought it did, but deep in their hearts, they knew, the goodtimes were ending and the oldtimes the amazingtimes when you were law you were judge and jury might begin. Everyone took one last long breath of freedom and capitalism. He was back.

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