Work after vacation, setting new timetable, new old walk, hometalks, threemeals, simple dinner, right on time for bed [Wed 2]

 I write this at 8.15am of the next day. Didn't write yesterday because I'm still settling into my new timetable, getting into a writing  mood by 8 and being done by 9 is hard, barely stretched to 9.30 in the evening. Know better now so today is going to be better, and I'm starting to improve upon my schedule already. So, here's the thing that I did on Wednesday in whatever order that makes the most sense.

Went to bed at 9.30, couldn't sleep for some time, was helping sk figure out her living situation. The toilet timetable is not set properly yet so had go to a few extra times but that's alright, I was able to sleep reasonably early on. Don't think I was up for much longer than 10.15. The trick is to clear my mind using the meditation techniques I've been using, and put the podcast or whatever I'm listening to on pretty low volume.

Before going to bed, read a bit from the Campbell book, did 25 pushups. Pushup situation I'm proud of, the reading is still half-hearted, when things are more stable it's probably going to be more focused. Have been reading barely two pages or so, could take it up to ten.

Wrote in the evening, or tried to anyway, kept getting distracted because didn't have a proper expectation and pressure set up. The idea is to timebox the write sessions so if there's no 'inspiration' there's going to be crap written, so the choice will be mine. Wrote two pieces in 40 minutes, which is not too shabby.

Had dinner of yogurt and pomegranate, and watched Inbetweeners for a while. The pomegranate took forever to peel, thinking I should buy a tonne more of those, just for practicing. A good dinner, actually, if not too filling, but ehh I'd had a lot to eat early in the evening. Roommates had 'grilled' chicken at home, it was very smoky. With rice and dal.

After the walk spent about 30 minutes unwinding and warming up my head. The cold was piercing, the headache from the wind and the cold was brutal. Instead of wasting my time on forums and random threads, will be using the 'post-walk' recovery time to meditate from today. The evening will open up.

The walking route I wanted to be short because it was 6.15 when I left the house. Did the winterhill-powderhouse-Bostonave-home route, it took me a little over an hour. My record with that is 54 minutes, lots of room for improvement there. Walking for the sake of aerobic exercise is a good idea, idle walks are nice in the weekends.

Between 4.30 and 4.45, wrote a bit finished up the work. Then talked to my roommates about our future plans. Basically where how when I want to buy a house, what my priorities are etcetera. 5-5.45 was the financial advisor talk, quite useful when you're considering buying a place. Need to ask him if getting a random loan is useful to improve your loan score when buying a house. Also had the leftover rice with eggs and the usual asian fixins, a very late lunch of sorts.

Work was usual, a few meetings, not much happening, I did finally do a thousand words. Need to increase my goal, and how I do it.

Didn't do anything productive in the lunch hour. Should use it to meditate, and walk about the apartment. Clears the mind, makes you think better.

In the morning, made myself oats and had them for breakfast, before work. First time I've done that in a long time.

Got up at 5-ish, couldn't go back to deep sleep, definitely up at 5.40, out of the bed at 5.55, 45 minutes of meditation and an hour of cleaning the room. Then a bunch of writing. So great that the chores were done in the morning! Loving the new timetable, need to do this more consistently.

It's 8.30 right now, should get a post or two in for today before work to avoid the pressure in the evening. Might be able to go to bed at 9 tonight!

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