The new bollywood wives reality tv show on netflix


 That's all I hafta say.

We saw the trailer for it the other day, it was so ridiculous over the top annoying so obviously completely scripted I genuinely thought the idea was to parody the concept of the 'housewives' franchise. Because surely they weren't being earnest, it had to have been a commentary on the vapidity, the lack of honesty and self-awareness, the unabashed hedonism and shameless wealthporn in popular culture and how ridiculous it is. Sort of like Borat but for, you know, Hollywood.

My mom and sister watched it apparently. My mom thinks it's actually a fully-funded ad for Qatar Airways and Qatar tourism and all the big hotels and resorts there. They seem to make a very big point in mentioning what flights they're taking to the Gulf, what hotels and resorts they're staying at, what restaurants they'll be eating at, what the favourite part of the experience it and so on and on. It couldn't possibly be a coincidence, she says. No way they'd be plugging in random companies in their primetime super popular netflix show.

But it's fun apparently, the trash, the self-importance all the drama and the ridiculous concerns of the super wealthy and popular. They're just like us, they're showing, if we were alien species from a different planet who had the same ancestors as humans but separated a hundred thousand years ago and had an independent evolution of biology and culture, so we look the same and act similar-ish but when you start digging a little deeper it's so very absurd it gets incomprehensible.

The roommates have started watching it too. I haven't seen more than a few minutes of scenes, I wasn't actively avoiding it, was doing the dishes and cooking when they were playing it. By the time I was ready to have dinner they'd had too much of it and we watched something else.
Roommate BB thinks one of the women in the show is having affairs with men other than her husband with the consent of the hubby, the word is 'cuckold', not to kinkshame anybody. Dunno, maybe they were trying to make it look more interesting than it is, or it was so wholly scripted you were supposed to think that's what was happening? Who knows, they're all the sort of people who want more fame and shine, more popularity, so it wouldn't be beyond imagination to fake completely a family-based 'reality' show. One that also involves the kids. Because lets admit it those kids ain't becoming doctors engineers or social workers, they're all going into the industry aiming for the stardom and hoping this is going to be launchpad.

I did hear like ten minutes of the show. From the episode where everyone was excited to go to Paris to attend Le Bal, which in english means "The Ball", an extremely vague term for what is meant to be an extravagant and lavish event for the rich and powerful. I have my doubts. Jet Li showed up though, with his daughter, so good for him, but on the other hand he's not done anything good lately has he? Is this all a ruse to get fame to the Hollywood has-beens through Netflix? Hmmmm. Because I'd consider it terribly misguided but what do I know.

Either way, this is not a review, barely a 'first impressions'. I have my doubts. If anything comes off it I'll write more, or even a short piece on why I didn't bother.

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