What really happened on Jestha 19, part IX

This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here

...Additionally, even if they were seen, the witness would be meant to die anyway if they saw him face-front, so it was only the onlookers from faraway that would be of any concern...

So you are saying that there was at least one, or multiple, duplicates of Dipendra who had infiltrated the palace, while Dipendra was still there, that there were some sources in the palace who had inspired Dipendra to wear combat dress and boots, and communicated his exact clothes and wear to external parties, and those people were involved in the massacre of the Royal family while Dipendra got the blame. Is my understanding correct?

Yes sir, you are absolutely correct, this is my exact theory. Crown Prince Dipendra would never have been able to do that all on his own, and if he had, he would have given up from the start. So it is my belief that he didn't do any of it, and he was just a victim while other parties perpetrated the crime and put the blame on him. Moreover, they made it look like he had killed himself while in reality it was they who attacked him and caused him to expire.

Interesting. Alright, alright. In that case I have a followup question. You know for every crime there's always a motive, without it you can't prove the connection between a crime and a criminal. Now there maybe cases where the motive is not exact or clear, and there are psychotic individuals who go out on random bouts of violence, but from what you've said this all seems like a very carefully planned and executed plan. Surely multiple people, dozens to several dozens people would have to be involved in this, including infilterating the palace and possibly the army. They would also need good weapons, weapons training and training in espionage and all of that, for random people can't infiltrate a place surrounded by an whole battalion of the most elite army members. In addition to the palace guards. With that context, who do you think was responsible for organizing this, how were they able to do this, and why would they do it. What benefit would they see out of this.

Those are all excellent questions, thank you for asking them. To be quite frank with you and answer it in the most honest manner, I'm not quite sure. I do believe that this is how it happened, with the help of one or more people closely related to the palace, through the use of trained men who looked exactly like the Crown Prince, and putting the blame on him because all of that makes sense. With relation to your question, I don't have sufficient political knowledge or depth, or understanding of the palace intrigue to fully answer that question. If an investigation was done with the assumptions of the theory I have put forward I am sure more would be discovered and we would be able to answer all the questions.

However, with what you just said, I want to add a few points of observations to your already great question. First, we know whoever did this is a well-connected party, with sufficient amount of money and access to serious powerful weapons. Second, having an informer inside the palace is a pretty serious thing which means they've had the plan in motion for many months or years and it wasn't a matter of somebody who decided to execute it a week preceding the evening. And third, the brutality and the lack of precision with which it was committed leads me to believe that whatever it was they wanted, revenge or maybe something precious, they really really wanted it quite bad. So to narrow our suspects, we are unlikely to find somebody who'd have a motive because of something that happened a week or month or even a year ago, we should go back a year, two years, maybe five, ten twenty years preceding the event, and try to identify who it is that might be interested.

Oh so you have thought about that too then, good good. Do tell, have you been able to further narrow down the suspects or causes?

Thank you sir for your words of appreciation, I have thought about it for many years and talked to hundreds of people to get it this focused. There hasn't been an exact person or group or figure exactly, though I believe I have pointed to the right direction. A lot of people say ohh maybe Maoists were involved but I think it is unlikely, too early on and they would never ever have had contacts with the army. You can also rule out the major political parties, or the small regional ones too, because as we've seen there is not much appetite in Nepal for serious violence which might have a repercussion or potential for damage. So maybe there are forces outside the country that are involved, something to do with Afghanistan or US maybe India or China. Perhaps it's one of the more powerful families in India who weren't happy with what the Shah's were doing or jealous that this family was doing so well while they had all their powers taken away. It could be a palace intrigue, maybe other members of the Shah or Rana clan who had some reason for such terrible acts in the inside, something us normal people would not be aware of. That's as far as I can think sir.

Good good, what you have said is helpful enough. I have a few more questions for you and this will be over soon, don't hurry or wory okay.

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