Blind date, the Nepali dating show

 If you thought reality tv couldn't get any meaner, trashier, but also just a little bit more...gossipier, I've got this show for you. It's called Blind Date, and it's one of 'em Nepali reality shows on Youtube. It's bad. so so so bad. People think it's mostly scripted, and there's a lot of bad acting in there, and that's all true, but there's also a lot of crappy people, people who genuinely think they're Gods' gift to humanity and just their presence is a great boon to whatever person they're talking to. Awful assholes.

There's this asshole, in episode 4 who's so incredibly crappy to the girl he's talking to, the woman in question is otherwise a wonderful patient and reasonable human being. Apparently things went so bad, and the audience hate was so big, they did a second take and made the 'date' seem better, but we know what an abusive piece of shit that asshole is. People are calling for the show to be cancelled for how awful and mean it's to the female contestants.

Which brings me to my final point.

You know what, I've been thinking about it, I'm a pretty decent dude all things considered specially when you compare me with the incredibly low bar set my other assholes. There's going to be separate point exploring this in detail, the point I'm trying to make is...maybe I should join the show as a decent sort of person and show the other assholes and the world that there's a possibility of not being a total piece of shit hellspawn to women and still win their hearts. Like that's not how most usual sensible people work. They're a rare breeds, these evil men, and they need to be taught that the world does not live by the olden rules anymore.

So very trasy.

Still a little bit, shamefully, slightly, addictive.


Watch it for as long as you can tolerate it, freely skip around.

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