Momo Breakfast, Carwash, Trip to Front Royal, Engagement Speech, amazing meals, so much fun, return trip, back to party, latenight hangs [Fri 12]

The day of the engagement of SB and PS! We were all super excited, the four of us at PN's place!

We had momos for Breakfast, yummm, I have more momos when I'm here than I do the rest of the year combined, and by quite a margin as well.

We left at 1.30, went to this carwash place that was free, you were supposed to vacuum the vehicle yourself, and drove into this tunnel of machinery that automatically washed the car. This was a new experience for me, seeing a carwash from the inside. The car was shiny and sparkly by the end of it.

We stopped by a TJ's on the way, got the couple three different bouquets of dandelions, N also got them wine of some kind. By the time we got there at 3, we were made to understand we were very very late and we were the only thing stopping the wedding proceedings but actually nothing happened for the next 45 minutes, everybody just chilled about. I got to meet PS's family and cousins and friends from here finally, as well as SB's parents and his other family I'd never met. Since his and my family have multiple connections, it was more of a catchup than an introduction.

When the ceremony started I gave this speech thing SB's dad had made me read, and everybody laughed and had fun and I thought I did great. It was quite something. Later people told me my Nepali was not fluent and they were actually laughing at how much trouble I was having reading it etcetera but also I don't buy that one bit because please I put in so much effort to make it funny alright. And also, this is going to be a whole different post because I'm hurt.

Many dozens of group photos later, we had the engagement lunch, which was hosted by the restaurant itself, which is also owned by PS's family. It was the most amazing meal I've had in recent memory. Their pulaao was so goddamn great. I also tried little bit of the goat stew and that was bomb as well. I should really have had second, third and fourth helpings while I could but I was too worried about my shape and how full I was to work at it.

Hung out with friends and cousins of bridegroom and talked to parents and family for a long time, until quarter past seven. Drove back home to PN's place and rested for some time. Before taking a large online taxi to SB's place in Arlington. Before departing though, P and S and I got the gigglies with PS's brother. Haah. I wasn't even fully sober from the night before!

There we had all the young people, including SB's young cousin who we hadn't previously met and her American boyfriend who was apparently some sort of poker champion. We ate all the desserts from the wedding, after smoking up a bunch, and then ate even more. After we were tired of eating and smoking and talking and getting caught up, we started playing a large game of poker with 10 players to start. I played valiantly and eagerly, and lasted until 3.30 in the morning. That's when we took the online taxi back to their place in VA.

And we called it a night. I was so tired I couldn't brush my teeth, just said it out aloud to N, with whom I was sharing a large bed, he made fun of me for that, and turned that into a joke for later.

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