Leftover brunch, writing in the skies, yummy potato wrap [Sun 28]

 Truth be told not much happened this day. I wrote a lot, and was super motivated, so that was exciting. And I got chatting with old friends, talked about how they celebrated holi etcetera, exchanged selfies, so that was nice as well.

Don't remember when I got up, perhaps it was 9/10 whatever. For brunch I used the leftover pita from the previous evening with fries and two eggs to make a massive eggroll, which when eaten with ketchup was surprisingly decent.

Since it rained all day long there wasn't much to do. I went to the 'penthouse', and wrote a dozen or so posts as I looked outside. Things were said and revealed and known with potentially long-reaching implications and decisions forever set in stone none of which I will claim any responsibility for, or maybe they won't but I freaked out and wrote a bunch on that. Also I broke the common room tv and a lady who'd just moved in and couldn't get her cable working but was really desperate to get her basketball match fixed it somehow. The persistent unidentified whirring was annoying.

In the evening N offered to get me dinner as a treat. I threatened him with Zahav which is the most expensive restaurant I know of in Philly that we might potentially go to someday, but instead we ordered online from Masala, their amazing potato wraps. I've written about those. They're incredible. We walked over to the place, picked our wraps and absolutely devoured one each, leaving the remainder for lunch the next morning.

I slept quite late, because for some reason I can't seem to make myself go to bed before half past one in this forsaken city.

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