Not only do people not have all the facts, people have none of the facts, and what they do have is grossly inaccurate

and it's so goddamn confusing awfully irritating and misleading, this is in relation to the previous post but life in general, you don't have all the facts decision maker the facts you do have are quite colored themselves, you're not an objective judge of things as they are, the facts don't shape your judgment your mind has been mostly made they color it at best and what about the 'acquirers' of those facts can we just assume they're objective robots reflecting the true state of the platonic universe or are they flawed sensors flawed analytical machines who then miscommunicate with other machines like themselves since everybody's model of the world is different -- slightly if not completely -- and at the end of it you're left with nonsense but you pretend you know everything and try to optimize for this and that, there's so little knowledge and so much information,  you're no different than a blind man trying to cross a maze based off on the crowing of the corvids from a mile away, you think you got this, after all you honed your echolocation skills over the course of decades yadda yadda yada but you know what dude you're all so lost like we all are. stop being all so grumps and start doing things.

it's all about clear communication and letting people know one's intentions with ability to extract the value, and people are like yess, hiding this or that will make me look better and they're telling idfferent lies to different people the whole barrage of lies keeps on expanding until it fills the whole goddamn world and shows no sign of ever ending until there's no truth reality loses all its meaning and there's only nihilism around because what was what really mattered so long ago lost any connection with reality.


in a different life in a different world these things could have maybe excited me, things happening finally in my boring old life i'd say hurray and now we can plan ahead out-think people and predict what they're going to do. bluff and raise stakes and what not.

no. moree. nooo. moreee.

this must end now, all this drama and nonsense, this is unsustainable why don't we all just live a chill nice life and be done with it.

shut it down. shut. it. down.

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