Yes strange great things are happening and it's good news don't be suspicious

Everybody must be given the benefit of doubt. Everyone deserves to be treated like an adult, and given respect and consideration for their decisions.

Particularly in circumstances where you like the jib of their cut, the way their decisions are tilting.

Everybody deserves to be loved, we as social creatures want people caring for us, worrying a bit about us. We want attention, even if sometimes we may not want it at our face. We need to know people think for us and care for us, worry about us, and a validation that they will come to our help in times of need.

Nobody is perfect with communication. People are so rarely scheming skeevy villainous bastards who don't care about other people. Nobody decent or reasonable has the time to me planning evil things and running strategems and cons, at a personal level, not if you know them as otherwise.

Sometimes people want to feel the thrill of life, be able to test the boundaries of interactions and how people will react to certain things, and test if a certain direction is where they might want their life to go.

It's so much fun. The uncertainty. The wave function being indeterminate because the external observer knows when it collapses the universe disappears, so the superposition of states continues, often for quite long. And with all that quantum certainty you never know, there is a good chance the wave could collapse to a different frequency/amplitude combination. The cat who was alive-dead inside the radioactive box could be living and thriving, it's not in the realm of impossibility.

That's how it is. This is living.

And so what if it seems strange to some people with outdated ideas about social interactions and propriety. Time marches on. Just live your life and see where things go, live your life like you wish to be lived. Don't hurt others, don't cause damage, don't be an evil malicious bastard. If there's enough love and caring and consideration for others, then it is not useful to be worrying about the consequences, if actions have been taken with great sense of responsibility.

To live is to risk dying. A total aversion to risk is a complete rejection of living an interesting exciting risk. Risk can be minimized with insurance.

Have fun living your life, don't worry about what the expectations are. Things will work out, like they always have.

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