So this is quite silly but

It appears that, and I know this should have been obvious right from the start so apologies for my dunderheadedness, it's much much easier to write something, quicker and higher in quality too if I know what I'm going to be writing on, and what the major points are before I'm writing something. So having a topic and thesis statement of sorts makes one heck of a difference in how easily I can get something written, and how well something is written.

Duhhh. I know, I know.

As all the readers, of which there are many and thank you very much for your support patience and kind words of appreciation every so often to remind me you are reading this words, will know I've had problems writing ever since this year started, haven't done any of the none inward-looking posts, and they're crapshoot anyway. The problem is that I haven't been telling myself what needs to be written and I just close my eyes and get writing, which is not very efficient productivity wise, but also in terms of quality. I'm doing this just for the sake of doing it, and that itself is hurting my 'sake of doing it' because the base motivation to 'do it' appears to demand at least some homework to setup topics etcetera.

So silly.

I need to be looking around and thinking more often. That's the first recommendation.

The second is, I need to be on my phone less often, and really step away from my browser on the phone. It's cancer, and I mean that quite literally, it could kill me if I'm not careful about it.

The third lesson is that perhaps I need to have separate 'idea generation' sessions with couple of clear thesis statements, bullet points and topics, and whenever I'm running out of ideas, I go about writing on them. Like a cloze test, but I'm working on the both ends.

I got a few more ideas, gonna be ruminating on them.

Why must it always be a wild dash for the finishing line towards the end of the month, lowering my quality and dedication and raising stakes for the next month, why do I have to behave like that electric car manufacturer that's actually third-rate but is unreasonably valued because it's led by a totally idiotic megamaniacal leader? I'm better than this, I'm better than them!

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