On joe joe's

This is a review of "Joe Joe's". For those unaware, they're Trader Joe's Oreos, and thus the "Joe's" gettit?

I'll start with the most outrageous comment of all time. They're far, far too sweet. And they don't use enough of the 'good' kind of oil or shortening because the cream will leave a lingering taste and feel on your tongue and the roof of your mouth. They're an Oreo clone, not an alternative.

TJ's also share the 'extra cream' version of those, and they're just an excuse to consume shortening and sugar. The cookies that presumably surround the filling barely hold themselves together. Far too much cream.

Even the 'triple cookie, double filling' double-decker cookies feel a bit too decadent.

They're no Oreos, for sure. But then who does eat Oreos on a regular basis? Is that an unfair standard to hold them to?

Here, I'll say this. If you have like fifteen people coming to your apartment and you know for a fact at least a few of them have sweet tooth and are likely to enjoy these, get a bag. Or two. And put them out as snacks. They'll be a good conversation topic, and hopefully be gone soon.

If you want to have some for yourself, and you're in the habit of...how shall I put it...flying the skies, do not recommend. You don't want to get the munchies and ingest six thousand calories of pure sugar and oil. And feel disgusted later not because of the sugar or the calories, but the gross aftertaste.

I like those, I eat them in an irregular basis, but I wish I had a large group to share these with. It's far far too much for a single person to consume all by oneself.


Why is everything a commentary on how I don't have friends or partner(s) to share things with. Too far, TJ's too far. Cut it out!

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