Homemade fresh pasta

N and I have made homemade pasta a couple of times. He's got his dough mixer and pasta roller, and a friend of his has the pasta cutter extension. Boil some salt water, drop the fresh noodles in, let them stay in depending on your preference, retain some water for the sauce, drop in your choice of sauce base, and bam, you've got yourself some pasta and sauce baby! Add parmesano reggiano, olive oil. salt pepper and fresh green herbs of choice, and it becomes a feast!

So easy, N's perfected the process at this point because he's done it so often. In an out in an hour, like PN have perfected their momomaking from start to finish in 45 minutes.

And here's the wild thing: I thought I didn't like pasta at all until I realized it was the shitty dried pasta from the cheapest brands that I despised. Fresh homemade pasta is amazing. Sometimes you need to play around with the textures and shapes, but you soon get a good sense of the proportions and shapes and timings, and you're rolling like a pro.

Even when it's simple it can be great. Aglio y olio is literally garlic and oil. Cacio e peppe is salt and pepper. If you've put enough work with your dough then you've done ninety percent of the work. You're on the path to success. And don't worry about overloading on the carbs, because you decide what flour to use, if you want to make it really protein-rich, and you get to add the eggs to the dough.

Simple yet effective.

To express it using the word I've been throwing out wayy to often these days, Yummm!

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