Eggplant lunch outside, parents, fruit galore, catching up [Thu 2]

This was the first day of a long four-day weekend so expect to read not much.

N and I went to get lunch outside at a nearby place Mad Dog or Old Dog something. Apparently one of the best burger places in Philly. I had their eggplant sandwich it was great but a little underspiced so I drenched it in cholula sauce. N made fun of me for that the sauce improved my experience we talked about burgers and sandwiches you dunk into soups. Have had quite a few great eggplant burgers recently. This one also had squash and beets a little strange and a tad too sweet for me. The bread was well fried in fat yummy yummy butter or oil potentially oof so good. We talked about how restaurants were opening back up and they should allow outdoor seating everywhere because everyone's just having such a good time, even in winter they could have gas heaters outside everynight a campfire night. This being America that was unlikely we agreed.

Talked a bunch to MC, she started a new workout regime and is so very proud of it. I'm starting it after getting back in Boston.

In the evening SL's parents and sister came over. They were driving over to VA from NY and took a nightly detour at N&SL's place. We talked until quite late, about old times what they did what SL's sister does [it's cool and she's worked there for a really long time], families, how they're all doctors how being the only non-doctor in a family of doctors felt so good etcetera. I cut up a watermelon and a pineapple for everyone to eat. SL's sister was dieting sort of so she ate just the fruits but so many fruits it made me feel so good. My hard work rewarded!

Went to bed at midnight after everyone was done catching up. Good day.

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