From my notes: literary mags I'll subscribe to when home

The lists were supposed to be one-off comedy things stupid pieces I didn't need to think too much about so it was easier to get the daily post count out. Now I'm running out of stupid but maybe a liiiitle funny bits here's some authentic feelies.

I'm going to be subscribing to several physical literary magazines once I'm  back in Boston. Not the newyorktimesmag and newyorker mags, not that they aren't great they're just ehh but there's cooler ones that I need to explore. NG(VA) has this interesting magazine from the uk that comes thrice a year apparently has amazing illustrations and poetry, place to write in it. It's worth so much more than the paper its printed on and the words it's got in it. real artistry the reason  people buy magazines. I want to start supporting artists and authors poets and writers. That's what I will do. These are the magazines I plan on subscribing to the physical copy of suggestions are welcome.
  1.  Lapham's Quarterly
  2. Offing Mag
  3. n+1 mag
  4. Believermag
  5. Hazlitt
Good deep humor writing on the internet is dead it seems besides shouts and murmurs and borowitz. Onion doesn't do it anymore it's hard to tell what's real and what's not. There's an oversupply of folks trying to be funny using templated humor to try to sell themselves, as a result the stock has gone down. NO more cracked or whatever magazine I cribbed my funnies on back in the day. McSweeney's used to have a good humor section but that's turned into activism now. I liked reading the funnies wish there was more stuff like that now.

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