Heavy rains, second subway lunch, fruit dinner [Mon 6]

By this point I've given up on the pushups and workouts for maybe the third time in three weeks. The long weekend was a bit of a distraction, made me oh so lazy.

The four days of holidays made me so so oso lazy didn't get much work done, didn't get any writing done in my personal journal either. Watched a tonne and I mean day-long youtube and listened to music as I tried forcing myself to do actual work. Had a couple of meetings and contributed to those but no headsdown work.

It rained heavily, the winds were ghastly oh they were could have blown a man over. Saw a children's inflatable pool flying around, go to the top of the building next door and fall down to the middle of the street right in front of my eyes. Fortunately no one was hurt. I tried showing that to N but by the time he came over to the window the pool had blown away to elsewhere. The lightning and thunder was refreshing felt like an open day, not a productive work sort of day.

For lunch I had my second helping of the subway I ordered the day before. Open sandwich inside out, on an oven preheated for 10 minutes at 350, put in for 10 minutes and on broil for three minutes. Crispy insides crunchy veggies I didn't mind that it was all so warm.

Had fruits for dinner. Pineapple and berries. And bhujia. Watched Grey's Anatomy, N has really gotten into it it's way too much drama and craziness for me but he loves loves it. I tried doing something else but got distracted by the drama it's alright just too too much. Went to bed at 11.30 abouts, thank gods!

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