On why I'm a hater against certain creatures of the dark

What have you got against the poor vampires, people will ask me, why have you got no shame in going for their jugular pardon the pun hehheh, why must you be such a hater? Are they not people too, I'm questioned, do they not have the same desires and hopes and dreams as the rest of us? And sure they'll go after others once in a while, often in an intentionally painful and messy manner to cause the most amount of damage, but so what, who's perfect, are you perfect even, I'm asked back. And if everybody's imperfect why are you going after this sort of imperfection, get a real hobby dude, somebody else to bother and leave them alone. They have respectable jobs, lives, persons of great influence in the society, and they've not done anything illegal. They are no monsters, the monsters who have and are perpetrating awful crimes around us. They're the real villains go for them instead, not the poor vampires, who don't even kill their victims, and transfer the vampiric gene to just a small percentage of their victims. Besides, vampires are probably what keeps other monsters under control it is argued, otherwise who knows what the others could be doing. A vampire is actually a necessary part of the natural ecosystem, it's been argued even, because they teach beings the important of being careful and on your butt always on a lookout for danger and death, when one makes out of a vampire's clutch alive, as one almost does pretty much, the victim is inoculated against other monsters, such care and highly guarded they say. Don't hate the beings in the ecosystem, I'm told, hate the ecosystem that requires and encourages such necessary behavior.

These are all...points, not very valid I'd say, but things you can say, out of your mouth, they'll be heard by the people listening to you, be processed by their brains and be interpreted as ideas. Poor ideas really, unlikely to convince anyone with any real knowledge of the situation, but they're something. Some attempt at dialog is being made, this is not a complete and utter dismissal of a debate or an argument. We are already making progress here.

The thing about the victims of vampiric activities is that the victims didn't ask to be attacked and mauled, they were rather expecting the opposite on most occasions. There are certainly people, a very large number of them, who're very kinky about these things, about their hearts being ripped and ripping others' hearts and writhing in the pool of drying snotty blood, fucking in the whole crimson mess, orgasming against the background. Some can do it no other way, it's the only way things work for them. And that's great, for vampires to engage in their activities with such individuals. Some vampires argue that all their victims are actually in this category, they just didn't know it, but that argument can probably be dismissed as hokum by the fact that often the victims tell them and tell them consistently that they're actually looking to run on a long marathon or go to the moon or something, activities that require a very healthy properly-fuctioning heart. Unless they believe that people say the opposite of what they actually mean, it should be a clear indication that most vampiric victims are not intentional. They get caught up in it, those poor beings. And the great thing about this is, they begin to question their own desires, maybe getting their hearts ripped being played around with like a football and very shoddily put back in with minimal effort is what they actually wanted, had always wanted? Not true. Vampires suck because they're sad lazy fuckin' cowards who choose victims they know are the most vulnerable, likely to provide the most rejection, a best sport for them to play the game of 'rip-the-heart-while-the-victim-doesn't-even-know'.

And sure you might say, hey so you're saying vampires are the victims here, because by your description they sound pretty sick. Maybe you should just try, fuckin' talking to them instead of bitching and complaining and hatin' on them yanno. This is my response. If you see a person pick up a gun and unintentionally fire, or fire somewhere where they didn't mean to, or fire at a person without meaning to, or fire at somebody just to figure out what the trigger does, or to hear the scream, you can tell them to be careful with the gun. You tell them that the gun is a dangerous weapon, maybe they don't know but people are generally quite careful around it, and you're not going to be feeling safe if they're going to be so careless with the use. You can assume they're the victims too and try to make them understand what's up with the guns.

But. When you see somebody cut up a living and running person's chest with a sharp knife, surgically remove their heart, lick it, squeeze it, douse themselves in the blood of their victims, and then put the hearts halfheartedly back, and that too if you get really lucky, you know you don't have an argument. Even if they're the biggest victims in the universe, you know that the level of common understanding you need to make them aware that nobody likes to me cut up, nobody likes their heart to be squeezed, for their blood and vitality to be drained out. They won't understand because if they did the very concept of knifing somebody's thorax would be so clearly deplorable to them. They are beyond a conversation, they are beyond the chasm. You can hope, you can pray if you are so aligned, but you cannot change things. Alas that's not how the world works.

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