What really happened on Jestha 19, part X

 This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.

...Good good, what you have said is helpful enough. I have a few more questions for you and this will be over soon, don't hurry or worry okay...

Yes sir, thank you, before I can go I would like to thank you, the entire investigation committee and the government of Nepal for giving us the public a say in this matter of great national importance. Coming from outside the valley as a girl, it has been a great privilege for me in representing a large population of people who would otherwise not have had a say here for anything. While it is true not everybody that I represent shares my views, it's actually surprising since everybody seems to have their own version of what could have happened that night, I am still here on the behalf of their dreams and hopes, and the possibility that someone who looks and talks like them will be able to solve one of the great mysteries of our time. It has been a great honor for me, and I will always cherish this experience in the future. As a token of thanks I have brought this...this...pack of tea that's produced in our village, it is organic and locally produced by a factory employing a large number of women, women also play a majority role in picking the tea leaves. If it is the case that accepting gifts of such kind is not allowed on possibility of bribing or some kind of corruption, it would be great for the hardworking women workers to have their tea be drunk in the offices of this investigation office, a matter of such humungous national credibility.

Thank you, you didn't need to bring that here, but I will accept on the behalf of the office, and give it to sister who makes the tea here so we can all get to taste the flavors of your district.
Now going back to the questions, there are a few ends I have to tie, some related to the suspected incident and some about your personal life, general information here and there if you don't mind.

Yes sir, it will be my honor to answer any question you consider important to help the government solve the issue.

Okay, first lets talk about your theory. Can you trace the origins of it, the various versions of it, and where you got the ideas for them? Were they 'original', were you inspired by talk surrounding you, movies, or what? And secondly, we have heard a thousand different variations of similar stories and you surely must have too, so what is it in the version of the events that you suspect must have occured that makes you believe it is the most like one to have happened?

Hmmm, this one you asked that really makes me think, hadn't thought of preparing for this one. Now if the question is about how the story's origin came, I heard it from my friends family and teachers I should say, surely it didn't come from inside my mind, there has to have been inspiration from everybody else since so many other people believe it too. Some parts I have improved upon existing theories because they are quite unrealistic and going against the grain of how people react. And this exact version sir to be quite honest I think I locked into it because when you are doing an analysis of certain incidents like this you start with the characters. Who is this person. How will they react to certain events like so and so and so. How have they done so and so in the past. Are these two actions consistent, and if not what were the circumstances surrounding the lack of consistency. Things like that, and I came to a conclusion that the Crown Prince was in no way the sort of person who would be able to perpetrate such heinous acts. Then the next step was, how do we reconcile the fact that everybody say him doing it. Again from character sir, why would they lie, did they lie, and how would their lies interact. I came to the conclusion seeing him firing was not unlikely. So on one hand those present say it was him that fired, but our analysis says it couldn't have been him. What's missing? What if it was somebody who looked like him? And from there I was able to construct the rest of the story quite quickly.

Oh wow, you think like a detective! You write detective stories or what!?

Haha no not at all, they tell me I am a good storyteller and I should have a radio show or write all my ideas and things like that, but it is just the skill I have been given, and not really something to my interest. Maybe one day if I'm satiated with everything else in life I will come to that option but not right now.

Final question before the interview is over, what are your plans for the future, what do you want to work on after your degree is complete? In five years, in ten years?

Sir it is my hope to be able to go to abroad for further studies in my field, my teachers all think I will be a good candidate for doing so, I'm looking for Phd or Masters in America. They say there is the world's best education and the most appreciation of my skills and knowledge. Once my ability has been further sharpened and I am able to lead organization and create groups, I want to come back to Nepal and start various scientific research groups, and be able to support middle class women like me from the villages and towns all over the Nepal. We are not given the opportunity, I want to show that we are not stupid or think like villagers, it is only the lack of opportunity that hinders us from doing great things. Like Devkota said sir, aim high to touch that one moon!

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