The girls find the first artefact

This is unrestricted writing. Haven't been feeling 'in the mood' today, and spent the time I was supposed to be writing having fun and talking to somebody on the phone instead. So as a replacement I'm forcing the thousand words of unstructured writing. It is bad, it's a part of my growth, this is how people who don't write start writing, how those that write become mediocre writers, and writers with mediocre content start doing good stuff. A part of the process I cannot hide. If all my content is to be barfed out here, so will it. Read on only if you dare.

Neither girl was sure what the stranger meant. They were too afraid to ask, the hefty envelope he felt threatening. For two days they left it on the table, staring at it with great intent every time they entered the room, unsure if it was cursed or a poison, or truly what he had said. Could it have been those poisons they sent through the mail, sent by a former jilted lover. Or perhaps could it be a poison meant to take them out so thieves could enter and rob them. Anything could happen in Kathmandu no one was to be trusted.

On the third day they came upon an agreement. They would open it, but keep it out on the sunroom, windows open, have it air out for a few days before interrogating the contents of it. Nila the older sister brought the xacto knife, Roshani put on two layers of plastic bags on both her hands, and two masks on her face in case there was something poisonous. They positioned the fans so any particles emitted my the package would immediately be blown away out of the house. Roshani used her left hand to pin down the package, and her right to slice through the thick envelope. After two minutes of fumbling and pushing she sliced the package open, it looked like it had been torn off of somebody's hand. And there it was...another packaging.

This one was more interesting though, it had labels and pictures on the outside, instructions of some sort, ingredients even it looked like. The two sisters brought their googles and face shields out, masked up and read the contents of the packaging.

Magical talisman, it said, open before using. Effects may last up to 25 years, but it will have the most serious effects upto two weeks after invocation. The backside gave exact instructions on how to it was, and safety procedures. They took photos of the strange gift from the weird man through all the sides, and left the package to rest a couple of days.

Nila, who was the more tech-savvy of the sisters despite being the older one, uploaded the photos to a common discussion group on the internet dedicated to identifying strange objects. Nobody could assist her with the answers, most suspected it was a prank, some practical joke played by a near and dear one. The girls were not so sure. They didn't have too many friends, and those they did would not send out expensive pranks through custom courier. Their family was...well...their families were...not the sort to be sending out gifts to them anymore, even if they could. It was just not done. Why waste so much money on such complicated things when you could make rude remarks right in front of their faces. That was the Nepali way, the easy way. It hurt but it worked and it didn't cost you anything.

Two days went by, and the girls were still curious. They read the contents backward and forward, trying to make sene of it. They would give it a benefit of doubt, what if it was indeed an object with magical properties. What would they use it for? But what if it was magical but not in the good way, and set upon terrible curse upon them. Would that really be worth taking the risk? After all they did have a few possible enemies who likely couldn't have ararnged it, but with modern technology and all the crazy things happening in the world you could never tell. Anything was possible. The dead could rise, sun could come up from the west, cats would chase dogs. What was in for them in opening the package anyway, they argued among themselves.

In the end though, curiosity got the better of them. They did want to know who would have sent them such strange packaging, they wanted to know if magic was real real, if it could do anything for them. If it was a curse, surely there had to be an antidote to it, for if magic is real surely there's more magic that can counter it. The next day, they suited up again, and carefully, very carefully opened the small cardboard packaging. They extracted two pieces of artefacts, a small paper booklet with detailed explanation on what the accompaniying body was, and how to put it to use. The other piece was a small dark translucent object that looked like a bar of soap and smelled like...fermented roses, covered in shrink-wrap plastic.

They read the instruction card first, and what it said blew their minds. Their lives would never be the same again if a single word in the manual was true.

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