Boxes: Inside, outside, and all around

Funny, nothing you can think of is really 'out of the box'. Your box is so small, so constricted, so disappointingly unexciting uninspired and frankly it's a goddamn bore that you fear looking at what other people are doing because you realize their 'strictly INSIDE the box, very much so' is so far out of the box for you, it's shameful to be reminded you've not kept in with the trends, not updated yourself. Take your little box and go in that corner, maybe it'll sell because people aren't used to looking into nicer more colorful wider and more modern boxes. Actually that's of no help because thanks to globalisation everybody has a good idea of what a decent-sized box is and you're not competing in the local personal market of boxes but against this seemingly limitless supply of boxes that just keep coming, one after another after another. You will be wiped in just the flood of huge massive boxes who put you into shame.

Why must you try to be out of the box, what's so fascinating about the outside of the box, if your inside-the-box situation is exciting and inspirational and frankly just mildly amusing. Why must you seek the borders of boxes and beyond, just sit in the middle of your goddamn stinky little box and do what you're meant to do. What you need to do, must do, dear gods, if you don't the future looks uncertain unclear unceasing unending mess of confusion and the scaries.

now we come to the final piece of the puzzle. 

Which is....

[allow me to take a pause here because I broke my computer, semi-fixed it, then completely broke the galliumOs software I'd taken like four fucking days to setup, signed into the regular chromeOS system, and got back, all because I didn't want the fucking system to not randomly move my pointer around when I accidentally click on the touchpad while typing. It's a pain, that one, often, gotta be careful, alas. More importantly, I've forgotten what was the final piece of the puzzle, so I'm pre-warning you that whatever is coming ahead is total bullshit, even in comparison to the usual bullshit I put forwards, because I've been freaking out and struggling with this stupid software, had no time to figure out the actual writing, why does this always happen to me when I'm about to write.]


If you're a good writer, being safely comfortably inside a box is of no concern. If you know you're not so great, you need something xxtra to pull in the eyes, you're always looking for something novel, new exciting, potentially a fad, as long as you get paid for them words.

Nobody's paying me though.

They might, some day. And I'm preparing for the day.

With this work ethic, it's not like I'm doing a great job.

People change, and I might as well. I should keep at it. Just write. Write more, write write write.

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