Frequently asked questions about what's next for our super duper awesome greatest country in the world

 Q. What is the government's policy for the current economic crisis that has been ongoing for the last several years?
A. First, there is not too big of an economic crisis going round,  so shut the fuck up with your lies or be ready to face the hands of the secret police. Having said that, what matters the most is not economic growth or numbers or crisis or all of that, it's employment numbers and how well people are doing, and it seems people are doing pretty well despite almost triple-digit inflation numbers, the industry is seeing growth, so no worries, everything is going great.

Q. What about the rapid decline in our country's currency value compared against every other trading partner's currency?
A. It just means that our exports are going to be cheaper, and we're going to be selling more things. Tourism is going to go up, our international trade situation will get so much better people will be left dizzy. Yes, it is true that most of the exporters also import raw materials before processing them and selling to other countries, and the cost of raw materials will increase the costs associated with exports. But then the industries can just increase the price for the exports, and our income will go even higher! And besides, if the profit margin of the greedy large industries goes down it's no big loss for the common man, so why are you arguing on their behalf...unless you're on their agent and acting on their behalf against common public interest!

Q. They're saying the government's actions are making the situation even worse. What's the situation there?
A. Yes, traditionally economists have argued that decreasing the interest rates increases borrowing and egs the market on, increasing the money supply and accelerating inflation. Yes, at these more than triple digit inflation rates, the sensible thing to do would be to increase the interest rate until there's great demand for the country's currency and borrowing becomes prohibitive, so economic growth is curtailed, but so is the rapid increase of the country's currency in the market. And yes, we have tended to do the opposite -- decreasing interest rates precisely when they need to be increased, and yes that's only created this vicious cycle and even a fifteen year old can figure out what's happening. But remember, we're mavericks, these theorie re produced by hoity-doity rich western dudes who have no clue how this works, so don't give a second thought to their production. Our economics is true, everything else is a lie!

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