Leftover tomato-onion-sausage-roti-paste for lunch, walk to volunteer park, oatmeal for dinner with brown sugar [Fri 23]

Note for the future reader: I'm writing all of this in late-November, exactly two months after I should have ideally written this all, because I feel bad about not writing a thing during my VA trip. I don't feel too bad though because I am 'covering up' for the lost days, and it's looking like by the end of the month I might almost be done with November's worth of writing.

At this point I'm working on finishing all the leftovers and veggies and things in the freezer as I'm to leave for the East Coast in less than a week and didn't want the foods to go waste.

So for lunch I had roasted tomato and onion, with fried vegan sausage, the takari paste all with roti.

In the afternoon I went to Volunteer park, took two rounds of it.

In the evening I had oatmeal for dinner, with brown sugar added on it, it was yummy, with coconut milk too! The goal was to finish the oatmeal and I finally did finish that large container of Quaker Oatmeal, several months earlier.

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