To JR, who I hope will be found well soon

A friend of a friend
Great friend to many friends
Is missing,
And I wish her all the best
And promise, even if I don't know you
We'll make sure to take care of the rest
Just be okay, just be fine
It's alright if you want to take your time
Please come back well and in one piece
We beg all for you to be given the life-lease.

These are not good times
Hope I'm not offending with my rhymes
But an unimportant topic this is not
This sort of situation I care about a lot.
They said they found a letter,not so good
But surely maybe hopefully she just was in a bad mood
It's possible, and even likely she'll be back
And we'll all breathe a sigh of relief at her lifepack.

Fingers crossed, palms joined
May all the luck in the world cross her path
A kind person and a talented singer that she is
Way too much for the world to untimely miss.

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