Maybe the fact that I'm living life in the 'easy' coast mode isn't great either

 Something I thought of during my walk this afternoon. Which I went for after...wait for it... a FOUR hour midday nap. Regular readers here will know I absolutely love naps, like I love...hmmm.. a sack of potatoes-- I love potatoes. Right, back to the topic at hand, which is the consideration that maybe the difficulties in life and taking care of them make you a more content, stronger better person in the long run.

Let me be clear before I begin. I have absolutely no desire, not one goddamn bit to live life in the uhh challenging anymore. There's no reason to you know, to struggle, to be poor, to have ridiculous expectations out of life and people and strive towards really really high goals, which you might meet but at a great cost and after many a compromise. Suffering is not a virtue, suffering is awful, suffering doesn't teach as much as popular culture makes it out to, and generally it's a great idea to suffer for the sake of it.

But idyllic contention is like not great either. Where's the growth, where's the challenge, where's the change you're bringing to the world? Sure you're not very much stressed out all the time, but then are you really living or merely surviving? Where's the life, the substance, what's the point of just...being.

There might be a middle ground. Somewhere where you learn to compartmentalize your emotions. Until then, it's  rough ride eh

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