Leftover Dominos lunch, comedy prep and walk on the streets, long talk at comedy class, half performance, happy crowd, drinks and hang with comedy buds, midnight QFC Apple pie [Tue 13]

 Writing this post (and the six following) exactly six days after because at first I was super low on motivation because I felt lonely, and then towards the weekend super amped up on social stuff and too tired and busy to write. That, I believe, is the duality of man.

On this day I finished the three remaining slices of pizza I had from the night before, I believe I ate them all raw and it was yum yum yum. Man I need to order more of whatever order I made that day because it was truly sumptuous.

In the afternoon I skidaddled, wrote a bunch and basically got my comedy routine going, we were supposed to do a one minute piece first, and then a longer two minute set. I left my place a little earlier than usual, and walked along the 15th Ave memorizing my routine.

We got to present our first set but not the second at the comedy class because we spent too much time talking. My performance didn't completely bomb and people actually kind of appreciated it after. I'm glad, I think I'll include that bit in my final routine.

After the class, a couple of us got drinks after spending 15 minutes to figure out where to go. Great talks, great people, really hope I'm in touch with most of those people and become friends because truly this is a wildly diverse and fun group of young men and women and one hopes there's many such similar activities that I get to engage in to make more friends.

We spent like three hours just talking. I walked with the guys -- the Nepali bro and the British dude -- to the CapHill station, from where I took a couple of rounds of Volunteer park to get my steps in. And because that was not enough, I walked to QFC where I saw apple pies. Couldn't help myself -- grabbed one of 'em, brought home and had an embarrassing number of slices.

And that was my day!

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