Writing and preparing for the comedy show

 The previous post was about my feelings after the 2nd comedy class, this is bout how I'm feeling a day before the third comedy class.

First, I'm nervous because the standards have increased. My classmates are not bad at comedy as much as i thought they'd be. There's expectations that have been set and need to be met. Now that I've internalized that this is a proper performance that needs to be put on and practiced, and get the timings right etcetera, I'm a bit worried I haven't put in enough time. And what is enough time to put in anyway? The standard 'recommendation' for a work presentation is 10 minutes per minute of presentation time, but 50 minutes are most certainly not enough to prepare for the show. I need to write a bunch of jokes, figure out my timings, listen to myself, make improvements, listen to myself again, and figure out body language and facial expressions. SO a couple of hours at least I'm thinking. It's exciting but also exhausting. And I'm afraid. Actually this could be the best thing for me: a low-stakes situation that ultimately doesn't decide the direction of my life in any way whatsoever, but one that I can choose to get stressed out over, and lean so hard into it by preparing for it, I absolutely kill it.

Or not. Maybe I don't have the talent, and hard work itself is not sufficient for such things. Besides, do I even have the work ethic for the whole thing? Who even knows.

Regardless, here's what I'm doing today and tomorrow. I'm putting in at least an hour of serious time writing and sharpening the jokes today, and maybe figuring out body languages and facial expression I might do, the pauses I might play with, without knowing the full routine. And spend several hours tomorrow practicing over and over again until I absolutely perfect it. Perfect it in the sense that I'm comfortable with my material and the general flow of it, not in the sense that I'm know my material word-to-word. The trick is to leave enough flexibility for some spark of genius to jump at the very last moment if it wants to, but still be comfortable with the material if it doesn't.

This is going to be a wild ride.

I'm excited and eager, fingers crossed.

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