Review: Toilet a love story is a decent movie

 It's an old movie, Toilet a love story starring Akshay Kumar and AS and I watched it last night because we were bored and I couldn't watch the movie Mimi which is about Americans with fertility problems going to India for surrogates, which despite being a comedy was quite serious.

So, Toilet the love story, I liked the movie. The message is obviously really great, that people should have toilets etcetera. The other part of the story, the one where dads are loving caring and protective of their daughters was pretty nice, a bit surprising. And how much Akshay Kumar's husband is so much in love with his wife that he's willing to fight the world and his society to make her life better. And how principled his wife was.

Lots of other parts that are quite....uhhh problematic, and I don't agree with too.

The movie was decently entertaining.

Six outta ten. No songs that are amazing.

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