Tomato-cucumber-fried jalepeno-mayo sammich for lunch, interlaken volunteer walk, nap, kimchi-spinach egg ramen for dinner [Wed 14]

 For lunch I had tomato and cucumber with fried jalepeno and mayo on pan toasted bread. Yummy sandwich.

During the day I did the standard interlaken-volunteer walk. And also napped for a couple of hours during the day because that's what I do now, that's what I've become.

Had ramen in the evening, put in kimchi and spinach and egg in it because I wanted it to be healthy. There's not much to write about this day because most of it. Slept for four hours at night and napped for four hours, which I know is wild but as regular readers of the blog will remember, this tends to turn into a vicious cycle that can only be broken by me taking copious amount of tea and then wasting that time I'd have napped on reddit or the orange site instead of writing or reading books or going out on walks or many number of productive things I could be doing.


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