Bean bao lunch, arboretum-interlaken-volunteer loop, unplanned shopping at TJ's, long weekend ends [Mon 5]

 In the morning I didn't do anything exciting or big but did get to sleep pretty well. It was refreshing after having not-great sleep for so long.

For brunch I steamed two bean baos in my smallest pot, using the 'alminum foil poked with holes' method. It's a great way for quick steaming. i should be steaming more food actually, and microwaving too, so I don't feel so stressed about making lunch or dinner because right now even the crappiest easiest cooked food takes me an hour to make.

In the afternoon did the classic arboretum-interlaken-volunteer loop, chilling at the 'beachside' across from the UW stadium for a while.

On the way back home, I wanted to do something interesting, and it was getting late and I figured maybe I'd consider going to TJ's but it was getting late, turns out they were still open so I did a pretty large grocery shopping. Great workout for both my hands, they were sore until two days later. I should be buying more groceries, that was my stupidest, most obvious observation ever.

And that was the end of my very long and extended weekend.

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