College ID made, meals and teatimes getting in place, sorghum and millet meal is finished [Tue 16]

walk to the office after work hours, getting shit together, meals in order, oats and fruits for breakfast, last batch of millet and sorghum with greens etc for lunch, I get my college ID card made, yogurt for afternoon snacks, TJ's vegetarian rice for dinner, trader joe's quick trip in the evening, lots of writing and website-working on the technical stuff

This was the first ish day where I got my meals in order, more or less. For breakfast I had oats and fruits, the usual, and the last batch of millet and sorghum with greens for lunch. I had four proper meals and one teatime during the day. The meals and the teatimes were mixed, which is allowable. Goal is to have four meals, maybe five, and three tea times, and align reading, meditation and relaxation times with the teatimes. Anyway, let's get on.

Right after work ended, I went to the office because I should have gone earlier. Came back and had my college ID card made, my sixth one through the course of the life. Had yogurt for afternoon snacks, wrote a bunch here, and worked on the technical stuff for the website. Dinner was Trader Joe's vegetarian rice. In the evening went to trader joe's once again to get some eggs and other basic staples. Talked to ND in NZ late at night.

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