I will literally not sleep tonight unless I get that work essay written

It's midnight. It's actually a bit after midnight in the month of May, which is fine, being an hour late to post for the month is alright. I've done worse. Even a day or two is quite good.

I need to write my work essay, draft it out, because I've been talking about it for months and haven't written it. I don't know why but I haven't felt like writing it despite having made big commitments. I'm afraid if I don't write it write now, it'll be a bigger and bigger hole to fill, until finally I'll just give up on it because it's too much of a pressure. Like I always to. Ignore a problem, let it keep festering and make it bigger and bigger and bigger, and then fear it, then not ever deal with it until the day of the surgery, and then treat the surgery as 'no big deal' even though it could all have been avoided.

So. I'm not going to sleep until I finish this. I know it compromises on my mental wellbeing tomorrow. Ah well. So be it. I'll nap during the day if I must, skip going to the office if it comes to that. But write I must, there's no other option, this is my life and I control it, and I'll spent a decent amount of time reading out aloud my essay points. I must do this.

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