Pineapple oats for breakfast, carmelo's hongos quesadilla for dinner [Sun 28]

oats and pineapple breakfast, tea-biscuit, heavy writing, volunteer park walk, tj's fried rice and eggs for lunch, carmelo's for dinner with PS and AR, I really try hard to write the work essay, but don't

Writing this the evening of tuesday because Monday evening I was so freaking tired I just passed out and slept for like ten hours.

Had oats and pineapple for breakfast as I'm out of other fixins etcetera. Also tea-biscuit. Went for a nice long walk with radio on to Volunteer park. Wrote a bunch after coming back, cleaned up my apartment. Lunch was trader joe's fried rice and eggs.

For dinner I went to Carmelo's and had the mushroom quesadilla, so freaking good. Hung out with AR after so many weeks, and PS too.

Tried extra super duper hard to write the work essay I've been blabbing about for the last month or two, didn't write it. I'm not sleeping without at least starting a draft. That's it. the buck stops here.

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