More progress made on culinary research for Nepal

Great news from the culinary research front!

I wrote a couple of days ago how I reached out to the local research librarian and how they promised to get back to me in a matter of a few days. Well they gave me a long and thoughtful response, and their recommended resources are brilliant. Books on Chinese history and fermentation, books on Bhutanese cooking, researchers worth reaching out to, and other Librarians who are experts on the field who will be able to help me. This is such a treasure of resources, an embarrassment of riches. I'm so very thankful to the situation I find myself in.

I have two people to reach out to in the immediate future: a UW research librarian, and a UChicago research librarian, giving them the context on my learning and experience, and goals, and requesting them to shape the direction of my forward journey. Once I collect enough resources from them, I can then reach out to a couple of professors who have written the foundational works on many topics of my interest. I need to ask them where I might want to start my research, what might be worth looking into, and whether they see a market possibility on this field. And then, ever onwards!

I'm quite excited, my vision is getting clearer and clearer, it's becoming easier to understand what I want, and how I might get there. All of it is coming to a culmination. Exciting times are ahead!

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