Don't look up people's LinkedIns

I feel like crap. I mean I did most of the daily chores today, but so very tired, lethargic, food eating was messed up, and oh no 10k close, but no 10k. All because of food, and war, and losing my heart because I looked up a bunch of people on linkedin. It's like how I used to feel when I was on facebook. Everybody's having a grand old time, with each other, with great...get this, 'companies', and I'm not anywhere, I don't exist in that universe at all. And if I did, it wouldn't be as cool, nowhere as. So it's a heartbreak of epic proportions.

A world where you actually know very little to nothing about most people you know, beyond the context you know them is an ideal situation it turns out, because there's nothing to compare against, nothing to be afraid of. No 'joneses' to keep up with, no 'standardized exam of interviews' to fear, which is the fucking worst. I should write about that sometimes.

So I looked up linkedins, and it was a terrible idea, I've been unproductive throughout the day because of that (and food, and the war situation, but still) and ugh, this is less than ideal. I mean in a strict sense, today was a pretty chill awesome day, I relaxed and used the internet. But in a different way, I was not productive, didn't do what I wanted to do, and spent the entire fucking day wasting my time in front of a screen than doing healthy, fun, important things. Something I have always avoided, something I hate doing.

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