The Dream(tm) visualization, and the path ahead

 The dream I've talked about it, I've been visualizing it for the It's to basically triple-ish the salary, pretend like I've already got the job and the things I'd do, ways I'd think, and the person I'll have become, and become that person, right now. Because then it's possible to 'back-project', and pretend I have to think about things now, so I can prepare for them. Anyway, these days the visualization has gone more and more detailed, and I can start thinking about things I'd do on a daily basis, crises I'd encounter and ways to deal with them, the interview, all of it.

Oh and I've been expanding the visualization as well. I've been visualizing a more successful social and personal life...inviting people over to my place twice or three times a week while balancing the rest of my interests, inviting diverse groups of friends without laziness and lack of motivation, having a more engaged and exciting romantic life, being more daring and risky with asking people out and the consequences of those actions, because it's okay to want something and actually get it etc. etc.

So much so that my 'visualization' sessions often get out of control and I have to reset the timer. Which is probably not the point of the exercise. What the exercise has shown me is that I do have 'wants' and to motivate myself to become a hard-working person, such techniques are excellent because I know what one's going for and how to get it achieved, instead of staring at the general direction of one's goal and hoping for the best.

The path ahead is exciting, uncertain, and unknown but I'm quite glad I'm taking the path less explored etc. Cliches, cliches, cliches!

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