Productivity, workdays, rolling stones, and me

The last week was extraordinarily productive, except Friday and much of the weekend, which is fine and doesn't count because technically it's the weekend, and not the week. I went to work, I did daily illustrations, I did pretty much all my chores, productive at the office, and generally feeling so good about everything there is in the world. Not to mention solid cooking schedule, and super duper motivated with reading, writing, and planning for the future too.

It's becoming quite distinctly obvious that all productivity is cumulative, and the more productive you get, you increase your ability in all of those things even more. It accelerates. I've mentioned that quote about how if you want to get something done, give it to the person with 99 other things on their plate. Turns out, that person got 99 other things on their plate by just doing things over and over again and getting better at them. Productivity is multiplicative, it's not subtractive: if you are productive at the office, it will come back home and make you more motivated at your hobbies, and vice-versa. If you improve at a skill, and become an expert, that doesn't take away your expertise or motivation from anything else, but instead improves the meta-skill of learning, and enables you to get quite good at other things too.

In that sense, productivity is like a rolling stone that DOES collect lots of moss. And great workdays are great personal days, and vice-versa, one is never stealing from the other. So if I want to make my personal days better, I need to also keep focus on keeping workdays great!

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