Should I start a small business, arguments for and against

Yesterday on our drive to the hike, friend AD suggested I apply for one of the Seattle city-subsidized small-business plans, to start a nano brewery, or a restaurant of some sort, even a popup in the farmer's market. To get the ball rolling on my grandiose plans, he said. And I spent several hours last night when I couldn't sleep since I'd napped for five hours in the afternoon thinking, making plans, strategizing, even coming up with the menu and an operational strategy. It would be a Nepali/newari tapas-type restaurant, that would offer $5 spicy and salty snacks, with $5 chhang to go with, the idea being people would drink more the more they ate the interesting snacks. And they would sit closely in company with everybody, to encourage the community and camaraderie feeling. It could last just one month, and I might lose money on the whole affair, but it wouldn't matter, because the education I'd have gotten would have come at a relatively affordable price. I'd have made connection, talked to people, understood the ecosystem, and generally done something that's been a pie-in-the-sky kinda thing.

Then the reality hit. I'm technically not allowed to work on such matters except for investing. And then I already have other more calling goals at the moment, do I want to spend at least 2 months preparing and executing it when there's such little experience on the matter? And ohh the hard work it would take, it would squeeze me dry, am I ready to make the commitment when I have a full-time job, this blog, and other matters to deal with? Perhaps this should stay a bit more of a fantasy, or maybe I could be a sleeping partner, and inspire somebody else to run with my idea? I could help them operationalize the thing, but not be involved directly?

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