The website version 1 is out, rejoice!

 Hear all, hear all!

I hereby declare, on this day, the 15th day of April, my personal website on which I have been working on for almost 2 / 2.5 months, to be finally out! It's the version 1, which means it's lacking several sections I planned to get out, and it doesn't have all the design elements I wanted to get in. But it has all the core sections that are needed, including my resume, my personal details, and my passion projects. Very soon it will have many exciting personal photos too! This will lead to much rejoicing and excitement in the world, as it will help them understand me and vice-versa!

Celebrate now, people!

I'm so excited for this, will edit the existing posts in the next few weeks, so version 1.5 is out, and then it's one hit after other. Freaking finally is this out, hurray!

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