What really happened on Jestha 19, part XII

This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.

...Tired of waiting, we are showing involvement ourselves, including in this great government sponsored public involvement program....

Good good, it is citizens like you that will make the country great! Now, to get back to our original issue at hand, where did the theory you are about to present come to you? What were the inspirations, where did you look for possible hints and examples of how things may have happened?

So when the events happened more than two years ago we were living in a small house around Kalanki. Our oldest daughter was five or six years old, now she's grown and finished college in America. So when you know all those weeks we had no tv and no radio, there was curfew every other day even getting daily groceries was hard. It was difficult, even difficult to pass time as then we didn't have facebook like everyone uses now, no viber or apps no chatting, and for sometime they even cut the phones. But how long can you be on the phone really, it's so damn expensive, we were very middle class family at that time, couldn't afford talking so much either. So in that context all the neighbors in the area would come together in each others roofs, open land and just talk. We would do picnics, they were often morose uncertain and sometimes sad, but that's all we had then, each other. We talked about politics, world everything, it was in that time i got to learn about all the different kinds of theories and ideas, alternative proposals for what might have happened in the royal palace during that night, what the investigation committee could not discover. And in the beginning of course like everybody we suspected...you know the later King and his son, but the suspicion soon took off because it made absolutely no sense, there was no clear motive, there was no clear explanation of how they could have done, it didn't make any sense. The fact that they got lucky and lived should not be held against them. So I started thinking, ohh if not that then what, what are the other ways the events could have inspired in a realistic way...

So you're saying that all your ideas come from the meeting with your neighbors and talking about the current events more than twenty years ago, right around when the incident occurred.

Well if I had to say, I'd say a large portion of it, the main fundamental concepts were originated here but they were always around you know. And as time went by, things started becoming more clear, particularly with the remaining shahs and their innocence as we all now know so obviously. So I started ruling out a lot of possibilities. And this was also the time I started reading a lot of novels, reading real life murderer stories, watching movies discovery channel you know crime stories that really happened. So more example from the real life. Which made my understanding of the event more complete and scientific. Because you know if you asked someone from the street, hey why do people kill, they'll just say for food or because they're poor or for no reason, or because they're a rapist. People think, number one that most murderers don't need clear motives at all they just like to kill, and second their explanation of motive is so simple, like oh he was angry, or oh because he was a thief etcetera. And it's true most of the times, but if you think about it the mind of a criminal, a brutal person who has the strength and courage to take the life of another human being is more complex you know, you need to understand the psychology of that person to unravel what that person thinks. And thus my research was useful. I was able to identify the different kinds of motives and patterns of thoughts such psychotic men have, and try to fit it in our case. Why would somebody do these unbelievable things, what would they get out of it, and how far would they go to have it done. Pondering upon these questions really helped me narrow down the possible scenarios that took place. So thanks to those tv documentaries, and all the reading of hindi novels and scientific books of various natures, my ideas are based on human psychology experience history. In addition to being heavily grounded in the same society whose mindset had the terrible incidents happen, so it's not like I'm looking at ourselves like a foreigner.

Great, it is good of you to have thought like that. Would you mind talking more into the actual theory, explaining to us who it was, why they did what they did, how it was done, how they kept it all hidden and confusing and so on and so forth, the main meat of the theory then?

Oh absolutely, here's how it happened!

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