What really happened on Jestha 19, part XIII

This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.

 ...Oh absolutely, here's how it happened!...

When they say that Dipendra killed his parents his brother and sister and aunts and uncles and most of his family, many people have problem believing that. Because nobody, nobody even in the blind rage of alcohol and any kind of drugs provided would do that. Only a total psycho would be able to such awful terrible crimes and we know Dipendra was no such thing so logically he cannot have done it. Normal people don't just get drunk and take drugs and carry powerful rifles, dress up like the military and go to finish their entire bloodline. Something has to have happened and it seems like there's nothing in there family story to make it believable. They put forward the theory about the girls he wanted to marry and somebody else the family wanted him to marry how that didn't work out and he killed them because of that but it doesn't make sense at all why would he kill them all instead of supporting the people who took his side, or just marrying the girl and daring his father to do something about it. Makes zero sense. So we can safely conclude then that the Crown Prince was not the killer. Now, many people suspected oh maybe paras or gyanendra did that but as we all know recent...investigations and events have proved beyond any doubt that it wouldn't have been the case. Even before I had my suspicions but now we're all confident that it couldn't have happened. They wouldn't have been so efficient so organized, so perfectly executed the task and then later not handled anything else that went in the country well, that's not how planning works and smart people are not like that. So we are back to the original question, if the existing theories are incorrect, if the provided data is faulty, what do you do to put in new data, and use existing truth to come up with a new interpretation of everything you have been told. How can we exactly reconstruct the events of that day without going back in time. That's what I started thinking about and that's when I came up with the solution.

DO tell.

It is a little bit filmy but I'm a cent percent sure this is what happened. This topic has been explored in some hindi films, many many english novels and movies, though the technology is cutting edge and very advanced, I believe the parties that were involved in this act had ample access to this technology, and even if it was not perfect were able to use the confusion to further their goals, by misleading the victims of the crime as well as the onlookers. This can also explain how the third parties were easily able to go into the royal chambers while going past an entire regiment of Nepal's most elite soldiers. Because for every external agent who committed that, in your theory, you have to explain how they were able to make it into the palace, infiltrate among the guests while not being seen by anybody and sneak back out without as so much as hinting a bird. There has to be strange, unexplored new and advanced technology involved.

So what would that kind of technology be, how would they use it, and who would the parties that would do such a task be?

Thank you for those very pointed and exact questions, you are surely very talented in doing such interviews, sometimes in the past because I've interviewed many people myself while also going through them when I was looking for jobs some years ago I tried identifying what the good questions weer and how you can identify a good candidate from the bad, and the questions you are asking are so exact and to the point. No place for fluff or wasting time with unwanted information, always going to the meat of the knowledge. I appreciate that very much, as a storyteller it makes my task a thousand times better because trust me somebody that asks the wrong kind of questions can just derail you from the train of your reasoning you're lost and confused and they dig you down even better. But with surgical questions like yours, we can unravel the truth so fast, get to the heart of the stories as quick as the teller can say. Sometimes the teller is interested in adding decorations or certain manner of speech or act to make their point more poignant or put attention towards certain facts, but not you, you make it clear as a day what is factual and what deals with emotions, and how things can be dealt with. It's a rare skill and I'm not saying it just to make you embarrassed or anything, wanted to congratulate you on the offer.

We have been trained to do this for two months, and you are probably my fiftieth, possibly the seventieth person who I've been talking to in the past two weeks so you can say I've got some experience here, yeah. NO worries at all just lets keep going with the story, without fear of judgment or questioning. We just want to know your stories so we can explore them ourselves, we are not like lawyers who would represent the tellers of the stories, alright.

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