Chill day in cool apartment, movie watching and timewasting friends, latenight awake [Fri 19]

The morning of Friday I was still recovering from the zoinkedness of the whole trip and the surrealness of the preceding thirty-six hours.

We had hash browns, eggs, bread, and yogurt for lunch. Had dip and chips for dinner. Watched 'Sir' and another movie with N, stayed very late. Shot the shit with S and N. Where let's be honest we talked as three single mean rapidly approaching their thirties, all the women we knew, could set up each other with and no there weren't any women we could set anybody else with because unless that person was our literal blood sister we'd probably try to get something going on with them first. It sounds sad and desperate but I swear it was funny and fun and also we don't take any of that seriously as we're three single sassy successful in the big city who don't need no woman to complete their lives, yoww.

Went to sleep quite late because I was bored and had only begun to gain sanity, I wanted to really relish being aware and active and oh so alive, you know. I should really have known better ugh.

Went to TJ's the day before, but I'll pretend it was this day because honestly there's not much else to write for this day. N and I went to Trader Joe's that's three blocks from their new place. Got so much goddamn groceries I thought it'd be enough for like a week for three strong men but it's not looking like it's going to have us through half a week. Got some cool things as well, couldn't name them exactly since I was only 24 hours into the daze.

Workday was chill, learned new things, got disappointed but ultimately all the things that were working against my favor turned around. Got confirmed for sure I wasn't going to be fired and actually I was doing pretty well, no need to be so hard on myself.

The day-end was honestly quite pleasant and nice, even though it snowed outside. Having a regular life is wonderful, I'll cherish it more going forward.

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