Low foodly motivation, work concerns, I make buckwheat pancakes and annoy everybody about it, I middle-man poems, SKconversation [Thu 4]

 I write this almost a week after, the night of Tuesday, which is horrible as that means I'm writing six days worth of 'journal'. I'm referring mostly to the daily photos I take, and they're incomplete af, so this is going to be me trying to fill the gaps with whatever the heck that's going to come in my head.

Sunday-Tuesday I can get alright, I guess saturday was busy as well, but this Thursday and Friday I genuinely don't remember anything at all. And that was the point of these goddamn posts, the journal posts, to not forget the days, always have an alive memory of them, every day be separate like a grain of rice, so even ten years later I can recall every day like is was one new day. Stop my brain from compressing the days weeks months and years together, and have the decades go by way wayyy to fast. But that didn't happen for the last week, which is quite shameful. Forget the fantasy book writing or fiction whatever, just getting my butt on the chair and writing two hundred words about what I did on the day is too much of a pain for me it seems. What a pity. What. A. pity.

But this is a lost cause, the milk's been spilled, no point crying over it. Let's get on with things.

 Morning and day, I don't remember, except I probably attend a whole lotta meetings like has been happening as of late. This was probably the day I struggled with 'circular reference' issue in aws platform, and didn't find a way to straighten it out. The next day (friday) was worse, but this was pretty bad.

SST and Jd wanted to send each other poems, I acted like a middleman for them. It felt weird, the poems were really sweet and kind and heartfelt, felt like an asshole being snarky about it. Still, it was...strange. Told JD I didn't feel like making a lot of food lately, she sent me a couple of easy recipes she had been working on lately.

So I decide to give a crap and made the best goddamn buckwheat pancakes i've made, in the long heated pan thing on top of our burner, six pancakes at a time. First time I used it. The trick is to keep the heat on medium-low, and make the batter very very very thin so it doesn't break. The breakage is the biggest problem. Had the pancakes with Harrisa and homemade hummus, it wasn't the best, but finally I ran out of the old jar of buckwheat, so only one jar let, which was an achievement. Sent snapchats to like twenty friends, JV too -- wish we could talk again. SK found some time to talk after what has been very long months, and we talked, gossiped, caught up after a long time.

Probably slept quite late because that's what's up with me now. I'm a goon.

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