Opening up as things open back

Yeah it's late and I'm tired. We're all so tired.

I guess going out for drinks is pretty risky, but the recommended practices were followed though the practice may have been not ideal. Besides, out of the two people I live with right now, ST has had the vaccine already. One can only be so constricted socially, something's gotta give. N and I keep wondering if we're infected though there's no symptoms but you want to be careful.

The concept of meeting people outside the very core group seems almost strange now. J, who is ST's friend from college, said he'd almost forgotten how to socialize. 

It feels good to be near noisy people, people who're having fun. It's incredible to look at people in the face, unexposed. Pretty faces. Drunk, loud, messy people. Emotions, connections, hearts on hearts.

I don't intend to put myself into unnecessarily risky situations. Face masks always on when around people, maintain a comfortable distance between people. Don't actually get your face too close to anybody. Wash your face and hands when back from the outside. 

It's getting better, the outside, the weather is improving, time to start going on hikes and just meet people, if you've got friends so maybe meet their friends as well. That's what they're planning here in Philly...barbecues and hikes and cookouts. As long as you're outside in the sun with winds blowing airflow going you're not going to get infected. Spend as much time as you can outside.

The thing is, and this is beating on a very dead horse, there's not much happening in Boston anymore, the old gang is done and I don't have my new gangs going on. Might have to hang out with coworkers yeesh and also there's a new coworker who I get along with very well it is however extremely impolite to wait for somebody to break up. I mean...yes, that's happening under other circumstances low-key but one shouldn't be making a habit out of that. Shouldn't be making that one of the more core values.

In any case, things are looking up, hopefully we're not letting our guard down too early. It is not worth catching the bug, no goddamn way. Nothing is. The brain however needs its peace.

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