Haircut, Wegmans, packing freezer bags, falling asleep hard [Tue 16]

I write this the next evening. Couldn't write this during the night of because I was packing for my trip, and crashed so hard in the evening.

Here's what I've been thinking about the journal-writing as of late: I'm doing a lot of it, need to change the format. This is consistently the format I've written the most in, ever, compared to everything. It's influencing my other writings. Everything's become too boring, dreary and matter-of-factly. Will write more on this later.

In any case, yesterday. Here. We. Go.

Got up pretty early, wrote a little bit in the morning, talked to people a lot, listened to like one or two podcasts. Work was decently productive. For lunch I had two fruits, and then half a pound of yogurt with brown sugar and cinnamon. Yum.

After work I went to get a haircut in teele square, wrote about this in a previous post. Had to run there because they were about to close, I was out of breath when I got there, embarrassing. Hair got cut a little shorter than what I was hoping for.

Got home, showered talked to roommates. Went to Wegman's got freezer bags and a bag of frozen steak fries. Spent a long time, listened to fake doctors real friends during.

Freakin' finally got the laundry from downstairs, it had dried, thank the gods.

Had rice dal that PK had made, with a bunch of other things, and maybe fruits as well. Watched tv with the roomies a bit, wasted a whole lotta' time in the common room.

Started doing the freezer-bag packing, for almost an hour-and-half, wrote a bunch, was so tired I couldn't continue, so literally crashed to bed at 11.

Got up at 1.30, cleared my bed and brushed, and finally slept for good.

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