Things will be just fine, Covid edition

Things will be fine, and they'll get better.

A large number of my friends have had their first shot at least, many have had their second one as well. Folks are getting tired of everything, and they're getting more comfortable with the masks, as well as maintaining distance.

Summer is coming, which means everybody is going to be out, reducing chance of contracting the virus through the open air. Beside, by summer the virus rates are going to be much lower anyway, so even lesser cause of concern.

In Boston, the positive rates are now the lowest they have been in five/six months. They aren't as low as things were back in July when I came back from Philly but this rate we'll get there in two weeks. The raw numbers themselves in Mass. are lower than they were in PA at the time, so something to look forward to. Most importantly, the numbers are high but only because the tests are much larger.

The doctors are better at treating the disease, the protocols have improved over the last six months. The number of vaccinated is going to significantly reduce risks of transmission and infection as well. Besides, this is Biden's world, where everybody is careful. The careless ones going out to party have been successfully socially been jettisoned.

We're ready to eat in the restaurants, to start meeting a few of our friends again. We'll be safe, we won't be doing anything crazy.

Things will be just fine, no need to worry.

The 65+ vaccinations have been going quite well and now folks with pre-existing conditions are able to take the vaccine as well. Soon enough it'll be the magic number, the infections will go down precipitously and this global nightmare will come to an end, eventually. Can't come soon enough, not soon enough.

I just hope that in places like India and Nepal, the viral infection rates are really really forsure going down due to suspicious reasons, and it's not due to lack of testing or misaligned incentives, because I really worry about my parents and grandparents and the rest of my extended family. It's quite possible it's a false sense of security everybody there's living in, the vaccine's are all given under corrupt schemes so it's not looking great, hope things improve there as well.

Things are looking up, fingers crossed I'm excited eager to come back to the real world.

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