On death

I have covered this topic before, writing again because of the specific situation we find ourselves in. One of our closest friends lost both of her beloved grandmothers in the last two months. A good friend lost her sibling in a terrible manner. People are having trouble coping.

What to do.

Young people dying is a shock, it comes as unexpected, sad, unfair, and a total loss of potential. The most hearbreaking thing is for parents to outlive their mostly healthy able and so up-and-about children. But think of the siblings! Their only brother/sister, the person they've grown up with, their partner in crime, the person who was there to deal with their parents and live through with them is gone. Forever. Never to be seen again, or heard from. For all of the whole of the rest of the eternity. For the rest of the existence, ever.

Scary times.

We are drops of water that meet the ocean in the end, our individuality gone, whatever made us that unique drop combined with the greater whole and yet not completely destroyed. Our essence is gone but not destroyed. Is it impossible, so very unlikely that our essence could recombine to form our being, to relive our experience and existence?

Are we not like leaves of a tree during a storm, so easily blown away? The only solution is to hang on tight, to not give up and fight, fight against the dying of the lights. Scare the bejeezus out of the wind and the rain.

We must go onn. Never ever ever give up.

There are three deaths: the first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time. Source.

We must make the best of the one life we have, to optimize for the third death in the best possible way.

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