Donut trip, lazy at work, N's peeps come to the apartment, laughed to loud, late to sleep [Tue 23]

 Lazy to get up in the morning, do I even need to mention this. If I wake up early and write a bunch, I can go to sleep early which means I'll be empowered to get up early and the virtuous cycle will continue. Therein lies the circle, I'm stuck in the vicious cycle of being unable to wake up and going to sleep late, leading to time waste and unproductivity.

In the morning, before lunch N and I went to Federal Donuts because we'd talked about it the evening before when we'd been out to Marshall's. I've written about the place in an earlier post, but it's a pretty chill places, some donuts are nicer than the others but the concept of donuts and fried chicken I found interesting and amusing.

Had their egg sandwich for lunch. Which left me quite so hungry, so had to have a peanut-butter sandwich and couple of cups of almond milk throughout the rest of the day.

Literally did nothing at work, such lack of motivation alas.

After work the guys and I were just chilling, I wasn't feeling well and kinda' disappointed by the fact that not much was written. Was planning on taking a night nap and waking up to write, also my eyes and head hurt. But N's peeps VM came over and they talked and joked. We had somuch fun with them, those four hours in the night, even though N had to work we didn't let them leave until pretty much midnight, on a weekday evening. Those were the times. Too much giggling was happening on my side, I woke up ST, disturbed him for the duty next day, he had to come out to tell me to giggle lower.

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