Lunch burritos, lame work, boys celebrate holiday, annoying laundry, I comes to hangout, deadly walk, long conversations [Mon 15]

 I write this at 1.15 of the night on Mon. I'm 'covered' with the post count decently enough, if I write 10 posts on Tuesday, we'll be in a good place but with travel plans and everything who knows what'll happen. I'm out and about so late because I talked to my mom for almost an hour, and then SK her plans and tried to convince her to try at least make an attempt to stay around, to fix the complicated visa situation.

The last two hours I've been writing these, as I text people on the side. Before that I talked to SK for two hours, she's not interested in staying around, I'm trying to flirt my way into convincing her to. Before that conversations with mother. Before that, talked to guys, watched a bit of youtube.

Before that I went on the regular winter-hill walk at 5.30. Took me 2 hours for what normally takes an hour, despite this being 70% of the regular route. Also I almost slipped and died because the roads were so slippery, it was genuinely scary. I've written the experience in a previous post.

Before that I talked to the roommates and I, friend of the house, who was over playing games and movies, since today is apparently a public holiday for everybody except me.

I tried to check up on laundry from the previous day, but it still hadn't dried, so I put it in yet another cycle, the fourth fucking drying cycle, I have no goddamn clue what we're going to do about the dryer situation in the basement.

Work was lowkey, not very motivated, didn't get much done. Didn't do meditation though there was ample opportunities for it. It does feel like I'm getting closer. I'm enjoying talking to a new coworker wayyy too much.

Wrote a few lines in my computer in the morning, and then some sort of a blog post as well. Didn't get much written in the work journal, but got the minimum words. That's getting better too.

For lunch I sauteed garlic and bell peppers, added my soy meatballs and soy scrambled, heated two remaining tortillas, and made a strange burrito. Even texas pete sauce couldn't punch it up. The good news is I've run out of all the canned beans and tortillas in the house.

Got up at seven, out of bed by 7.30, listened to conan o brien podcast, wrote a little bit and got ready. Waking up is not the problem anymore. Being 'productive' in the morning is.

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