State of the blog: Feb 2021 edition

 What's happening?

I haven't really written longform/fiction pieces in is a whole goddamn century. Issa bummer since I want to be doing fiction/novel eventually, that's the reason my writing mania began. Bummer.

On the bright side, I've been keeping up, more or less, playing catchup but not completely abandoned my writing mania and it's paid dividends with there being no serious disruption. I'm always catching up, but never too far away to not be caught up.

On an even brighter side, the shorter posts and what I consider nonsense timewasters I'm too good to write because I'm destined for greater things such as novels...and um heady op-ed articles in newspapers which people will read and consider me a -- dear gods forgive me for using this phrase -- thought leader and invite me to speak in conferences literary festivals etcetera, seem to be selling better. People keep saying, ohh yeah I like those short articles better, they entertain me, they're funny, you're longer pieces drag on forever. Etcetera.



Like yeah because it's the same goddamn material in my head, I'm writing more words because it's just a practice people gettit, I'm not really smart or deep enough to write four fucking thousand words of nonstop material everyday so I get those two hundred words and stretch them all the way because once my fingers get used to the habit, so will my brain. That's the plan. It's not going very well but the idea's fine, and there's no way this man is backing down. Nuh uh, not how it works, shuddup.

On the other other hand one imagines any sort of readership or audience has to be given consideration, as minute and little as it might be, and picking a fight with the one person -- you know who you are -- who reads this ain't a good idea.


In conclusion, the blog goes, choo choo, it goes and goes and goes. And it ain't gonna stop.

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